The Heritage family gathered on Thursday in the Neel Center to honor our nation’s veterans.
Mr. Turpin opened the program with prayer, and the posting of the colors was executed by FISD Junior Naval ROTC. Kindergarten led the Pledge of Allegiance, and Grammar School students sang the National Anthem, led by Mrs. Vaughan. Mrs. Music led the Logic School students in a rousing performance of “It’s a Grand Old Flag” followed by the 8th graders beautiful performance of “My Country ‘Tis of Thee” with our new handbells.
After a warm greeting by Mr.DuBose, Mayor Jeryl Hoover spoke. He emphasized the importance of his own debt to relatives, friends, teachers, pastors and others who had served in World War II, noting that the difficulties they endured in war built their character and—in addition to keeping freedom in our country and the world— these veterans influenced his character and that of so many others. He noted that these fine veterans believed in and fought for “something bigger than themselves.”He urged the audience to express their gratitude to our veterans.
Mr. DuBose urged the veterans in the audience to stand, and they were given warm applause. After singing “God Bless America,” the program ended and many lingered to thank veterans and view the display of alumni and family veterans