FAMILY LIFE Because the family unit is the most important human institution ordained by God, it is of the utmost importance to Heritage School. We welcome parents, grandparents, and siblings of our students in the activities of the school.

JOIN the Heritage School Parent Association which supports all major school events.
VISIT the classroom—Call the school secretary or the classroom teacher for an appointment.
ASSIST in the classroom—Arrangements should be made with the teacher concerned.
CHAPERONE on field trips, library visits, and special events.
SERVE as a story-reader, musician, guest artist; share a special talent.
PRESENT your vocation, with teacher approval, to the class or invite the class to your place of business.
SPEAK at chapel.
SHARE experiences, trips, and vacations as they relate to an area of study in a class.
VOLUNTEER to help with the many tasks related to the annual fundraising events.
HELP host class parties, at home or in the classroom.
MONITOR your child's progress by reading all teachers' notes and student papers sent home. These forms of communication and teamwork between teacher, parent, and student will be vital to the child‘s progress and success.
Heritage School parent help is always welcome—and needed! From prayer support to driving on field trips, reading to children, organizing events, helping with repairs, and landscaping projects at the school, our parents enjoy fellowship as they work side-by-side.