2025 – 2026 TUITION
PRE-K $ 7,883
GRAMMAR (1st – 5th) $14,248
LOGIC (6th – 8th) $14,485
RHETORIC (9th – 12th) $14,768
Tuition rates are per student and include all fees except for electives, class trips and athletic fees, which are listed below. Families will receive a $200 discount for a third and subsequent child. Tuition includes all textbooks and school supplies for Pre-K thru 5th.
Three options are available for tuition payment; one full payment due at admission, two payments (first half due at admission, second half due August 1), or monthly payments beginning at admission and ending in February.
Heritage School recognizes the importance of extending a Christ-centered and classical education to all families regardless of income. The Board of Trustees has designated a percentage of tuition income to be reserved for tuition assistance candidates. The amount available is determined each year based on enrollment and total budget.
Tuition Assistance is awarded based on need as determined by FACTS algorithms as well as a family’s and student’s perceived commitment to the Heritage School mission. Assistance to new families is considered and offered only after an applicant and his/her family has completed the admission process. However, families may start their application for tuition aid during the admissions process. The FACTS portal is available now for families to input information and documentation for this current school year's tuition assistance requests. Go to https://online.factsmgt.com/aid for application instructions and a checklist. Heritage and FACTS will accept previous years' family tax information to make the eligibility determination.
AFTER SCHOOL CARE (3:00-6:00pm, Mon-Fri)
Yearly fee: $2800
Drop-in rate: $26/day (You must pre-register as a drop-in.)
Football – $500
Volleyball – $280
Cross Country – $280
Basketball – $280
Tennis – $360
Track – $280
Golf – $360
Cheerleading – $275
Football – $390
Volleyball – $220
Cross Country – $220
Basketball – $220
Tennis – $360
Track – $220
Golf – $145
Cheerleading – $250
Bus Fee (from/to Kerrville) - $1,323 per family
Elective class fee - $100
Personal notebooks, supplies, rhetoric school laptop (textbooks included in tuition)