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Grammar School is...



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At Heritage Grammar School we have, from our founding in 1994, embraced Charlotte Mason’s philosophy and have simultaneously offered a classical Christ-centered education which is based on the trivium (Latin for “the three ways”). The “three ways” describe the emphasis of each level of the Heritage education: Grammar, Logic, and Rhetoric—a liberal arts education which has stood the test of time and inspires students to think critically, speak articulately, and write effectively. 

No matter how a child learns, he/she goes through stages of learning. The Grammar level is the first stage of the trivium which is foundational. Working with the natural hunger for learning, we give the children the freedom to explore interests with unbounded curiosity while establishing a firm basis and language for future studies. Thus, the mind begins to open as it enjoys a feast of good reading—interesting stories from literature, history, and the Bible.  Children listen carefully to the stories and then tell back (“narrate”) the substance of the stories, thus possessing the vital content for themselves. In addition, children in Kindergarten through fifth grade concentrate on the fundamental elements of phonics, math, history, writing, reading, and science exploration. They also begin to explore and enjoy conversational Spanish, music, art, and physical education.  

Through observing, thinking, and then testing out ideas, our children are learning to think for themselves: it does not occur to children that the only questions to be answered are the ones that they have been asked by someone. Our teachers strive at every level to be more of a “guide on the side” than a “sage on the stage.” We are eager for our students to begin the “Great Conversation” with the great minds of the past. Children have an abundance of their own questions! At Heritage we try to motivate the children through discovery and to question for themselves. With loving, dedicated Christian teachers guiding the way, our Grammar students thrive in an environment of discipline and freedom-- and eagerly await each new day of school!


Each child in Grammar School has an Upper School chapel buddy during all-school chapels, these students worship and learn together.


Once a year in the spring, Heritage students enjoy a surprise spring field day of games and team building with all students divided into teams led by a senior. Everyone from K-12, including teachers and many parents, enjoy playing together.


The things that attracted us were the small class sizes, Christian teaching, and the development-friendly approach for younger children -- with plenty of wonderful play, nature studies and field trips. But, the big surprise for us was the sense of community – families really know each other! The Heritage Family works (and plays!) together to make the school an incredible place for our kids to learn and grow.

DARLA SMITH, 3rd Grade Parent

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